Wind turbine energy generaters on wind farm, with solar panels underneath.
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Hoffman by nVent®

NVENT connects and protects electrical systems, making them more efficient, more resilient and safer. Produces standard, modified, custom-built electrical enclosures, industrial air conditioners and heaters for a diverse range of industries.

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We carry a wide line up of products from our manufactures. If you need something specific that we did not list above please call for pricing and availability!

(215) 659-6666

From the clean-room to the factory floor, Hoffman enclosures protect sensitive equipment from dust, dirt, oil, water, corrosion and other contaminants. Standard, modified and custom built enclosures in mild and stainless steel. Aluminum and non-metallic, Proline Modular Enclosure Systems, Disconnects, Human-Machine Interface (HMI). Complete line of Contractor products for commercial applications. Busbar Systems and Hazardous Location enclosures.

Now part of nVent, Hoffman Products produces standard, modified, and custom-built electrical enclosures for thousands of customers across a diverse range of industries.


Hoffman by nVent®




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